Thursday, April 7, 2011

Letting Go of Habits

Why do we keep promising ourselves to make a change, eliminate a habit, yet we give up before we get a chance to see what we want to accomplish? Besides having repetitive behavior program our brains, changing patterns and habits is difficult for most of us because we are not in rhythm with our true nature, which creates imbalances, and we feed what wish to let go. The more we focus on a habit or worry how fat we are, (as an example) the more it expands in our life experience. The less we focus on it, the weaker and weaker it gets until it no longer has a pull in our lives. We can set the goal to lose weight, and follow the inner prompting our Inner Intelligence will give us to lose the weight. When animals get sick, they don't eat, they are attuned to nature which prompts them to fast so the body can heal.

Setting an intention to let it go, and following the prompting of your Higher Self/Inner Intelligence will help heal the issue at hand. Its amazing how powerful the mind can be in creating an illusory struggle that seems to get bigger and bigger the more we spin it around our minds. What is even more amazing and humbling is how supportive Creation can be when we are ready to lighten ourselves from the burdens of our self created suffering.

We are not helpless! Trust your rhythm, if it means taking a walk, do it, if it means seeking help, then do this as well, just don't block the intuition or feeling of what your next step should be by over analyzing or giving in to fear.

Back to sharing!

After a hiatus from this blog, I am back!

When I first started writing my thoughts here, I was in perimenopause and starting to experience mood swings and itchiness which made life uncomfortable. I kept reminding myself that millions of other women also had their set of challenges, and was grateful that at least I knew how to address them spiritually and holistically.

Now I am in full menopause, and  have good news for all the ladies who are entering the big change: life does get better, the symptoms do go away, or at least subside once the body adjusts to the drop of  hormones. I am fortunate, I do not suffer from hot flashes and the mood swings  have stabilized. WhooOoo! But, what I call "mini panic attacks" which came back during perimenopause, I still deal with on occasion.  I call them "mini panic attacks" as they are not full blown ones, it's just a sense of dread that suddenly sweeps over my body and generally leaves quickly.

How do I manage the mini panic attacks? I take inositol which has helped me tremendously. Inositol is part of the vitamin B-complex and it's is required for proper formation of cell membranes. Inositol affects nerve transmission and helps in transporting fats within the body. It has been used for anxiety, OCD and even lowers cholesterol levels.

There are no known levels of toxicity so it's generally a safe supplement to take. However use your wisdom and always check the precautions of all herbs and supplements. I recommend this supplement to strangers, friends, family and customers. It's that helpful!

Inositol for panic disorder (women who are pregnant should not take Inositol as it can induce uterine contractions)

Since I am a fan of mindful living, and enjoy teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, I have learned to observe the panic feeling coming over me without creating more internal drama. I detach and know rationally, nothing "terrible" is going to happen, that it's simply a wave coming over me, and it will go away. For me, this approach has worked! The panic feeling generally leaves within a few minutes. On the rare occasion when it doesn't, I detach and deal with it well.

The combination of inositol and detachment has basically eliminated the panic attacks. I am grateful for the natural approaches available to us because instead of putting a band aid over a symptom, we are actually healing and strengthening our minds and bodies.

Off to take my inositol before going to sleep....