Thursday, November 8, 2007

Vitamins - Yeah and Nay

Today I came across a blog entry in AOL's homepage commenting on Reader's Digest November 2007 issue 'The Vitamin Hoax - What Not to Take' and they mention vitamins such as vitamin A, folic Acid, vitamin E, C, all vitamins I have taken at some point in time, and some I still take, such as folic acid and vitamin C. What caught my attention, is that overdosing is mentioned. Taking excess vitamin A for example, has never been advised because it can become toxic and cause blurry vision, hair loss and increase liver problems. Taking iron when one is not deficient in this nutrient can damage blood vessels near the heart, reason why this supplement is best taken after having a health professional do a blood test to determine if you are iron deficient. Yet, iron when needed is an essential and important nutrient.

Will I stop taking vitamins because of reports? No. We have long term studies that supports the use of vitamins, and in a few months from now, we may get yet another report that continues to support the value of taking vitamins. I still believe, this is a society that encourages the use of drugs, as drugs translate into profits for companies and pharmacies. I don't see too many drugs advertised on TV that caution on developing a "possible side effect" such as leukemia being taken off the market! I would be irresponsible in selling vitamins for women experiencing menopause, if I didn't believe that they work. I am my own guniea pig, and I am happy to testify my life change has not been a difficult one because of the balancing supplements I take.

As my Mother used to say, use your common sense, and don't take 5 pills a day because the label suggests this, or :::gasp::::: take the "x" amount of medication that an M.D. may prescribe. If she had followed her doctor's orders to a "t", she would have been unable to function and become addicted to the drugs and on one occasion overdosed. Using wisdom and listening to your body, especially when it comes to vitamins and herbs, less is better, not more. I often have a day or two during the month where I don't take vitamins or herbs in order to give my body a rest.

Moderation in everything is the key to a healthier life.

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